Pesquisa Desenvolvida no DECOM Recebe Destaque Na Imprensa Internacional e nacional

O artigo "You followed my bot! Transforming robots into influential users in Twitter" publicado na revista cientifica First Monday - Qualis B2 - recebeu destaque na imprensa nacional e internacional. O trabalho foi desenvolvido pelos membros do laboratório iMobilis, o aluno de graduação Johnnatan Messias, o aluno de mestrado Lucas Schdmit e sob orientação dos professores Ricardo Rabelo e Fabricio Benevenuto


O jornal Huffington Post publicou a reportagem "Twitter Bots Have No Trouble Fooling You, Getting More Influence Than Oprah" [LINK


O Gizmodo também lançou uma noticia a respeito "Como um bot brasileiro se tornou uma pessoa influente no Twitter" [LINK]


Sobre o trabalho:

You followed my bot! Transforming robots into influential users in Twitter


Systems that classify influential users in social networks have been used frequently and are referenced in scientific papers and in the media as an ideal standard of evaluation of influence in the Twitter social network. We consider such systems of evaluation to be complex and subjective, and we therefore suspect that they are vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Based on this, we performed experiments and analysis of two systems for ranking influence: Klout and Twitalyzer. We created simple robots capable of interacting by means of Twitter accounts, and we measured how influent they were. Our results show that it is possible to become influential through simple strategies. This suggests that the systems do not have ideal means to measure and classify influence. [LINK]

Departamento de Computação  |  ICEB  |  Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Campus Universitário Morro do Cruzeiro  |  CEP 35400-000  |  Ouro Preto - MG, Brasil
Telefone: +55 31 3559-1692  |